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The following HBNSW Members were elected to represent Harness Breeders NSW as the 2023 HBNSW Committee, at the HBNSW Annual General Meeting held on 25 January 2023.


Office Bearers were elected at the January 2023 Committee Meeting, held at the conclusion of the AGM on 25-1-2023



President:  Flora Robson
Vice President:  Darren Reay

Secretary:  Marie Neil

Treasurer:  Karen Kemp



Website Administrator/Media:  Karen Kemp

Foal Alarms:  Kirsty Day

General Committee Members: 

Dr Kate Robson

Grant Forrest

​~ Position Vacant ~





The Association always welcomes members to consider joining the Committee to support innovative ideas and strategies for the future of the breeding industry in NSW.


In addition to the operational role of the committee, there are many opportunities to participate in events throughout the year and sub-committees are convened to work on specific projects as the need arises.


If you feel like you could make a positive contribution to the Association please nominate for the Committee. 


Download the Nomination Form by clicking on the button below.  The Form must be returned to the Secretary 7 days before the Annual General Meeting.  Please mark Attention to the Secretary and return via post or via email

© 2014 - 2025 Harness Breeders NSW (Australia)

    P O Box 122, WINSTON HILLS  NSW  2153


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