Loan of a Mare for Breeding Purposes
Members of Harness Breeders NSW may advertise any empty broodmares they would like to 'loan' to other Members, for the purpose of obtaining a Standardbred foal. Members can email their mare's details to and these will be posted on this webpage.
The person/s loaning the Broodmare, negotiate directly with the horse owner re conditions of the Loan (place horse shall be kept etc). Harness Breeders NSW (HBNSW) reserve the right to remove an advertisement if it is found to be misleading or false. HBNSW takes no responsibility for any advertisement on this page, it is up to the borrower and broodmare owner to enter into their own Agreements.
The borrower/s must acknowlege that they will do all that is necessary to ensure the health and well being of the mare and accept that they are soley responsible for all costs and all other matters pertaining to the resultant foal. Once the foal is weaned, the mare shall be returned to the owner/s. This shall not interfere with the servicing of the mare for the following season
A "Loan of a Mare for Breeding Purposes" form must be submitted to Harness Racing NSW (link to form at the top of this page)
The Form must be completed and lodged with HRNSW with the Certificate of Service / Foal Notification along with the appropriate Foal Notification Fee within one (1) month of the foal being born.
~ No current listings ~